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Welcome to The Herbs Know

Your Herbal Resource Center

Welcome to The Herbs Know!

We are an online herbalist resource depot. If you are here, then you know there are other options to getting well besides going to the doctor’s office. Our goal is to show you how to get there easily and confidently.

Normally when folks reflect on becoming an herbalist, they usually have a desire or curiosity that has brought them here. Perhaps a friend has mentioned the beneficial uses of herbs, or you’ve been to a health expo that made you feel really good, or you wanted another option other than traditional medicine. In any event, the ultimate goal is to be healthier and happier!

There are many reasons why becoming an herbalist is beneficial…

  • You realize those backyard weeds can aid us in times of need…plantain is great for spider bites, just chew it up and slap it on. Really!
  • In shock? Take some cayenne and snap out of it.
  • Got a tummy ache? Have some peppermint tea.


Being an herbalist is knowledge worth having. It will benefit you, your family and friends. You might even find yourself being drawn to gardening or identifying plants as you take a hike thru a forest. Don’t be surprised at how it starts affecting your life and the way you see things. It’s a joyful journey that adds to your life experience.

What is an Herbalist?

We are all herbalists already. Don’t you make tea when you have a stomach ache or when you’re trying to get to sleep? Becoming a certified herbalist, whether you want to become a Family Herbalist or a Master Herbalist, really starts with your curiosity of how things work.
Learn More.

Herbal Medicine Chest

In this world, you can’t always rely on others; you have to be able to do a lot for yourself, whatever or whenever you can. Learning how to identify, grow, use, store, and make herbal remedies has to be on the top of that kind list.  It is very important to learn to work with these remedies when the need occurs. 
Learn More.

Top 10 Herbs to Have at All Times

This isn’t your CLICK HERE list of 10 herbs you ‘gotta have’. This is a researched and nuanced list that will give you, at least, a brief glimpse on the ways herbs can be prepared and what they are most used, now and for centuries.
Learn More.


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Improving your health naturally helps you become an herbalist. Understandably, it may be difficult to get into the practice of doing it. However, with experience comes knowledge and soon this becomes a natural way of life.